Human beings are born with different physical brains. Many of the physical attributes of the brain greatly influence our personalities, emotions, abilities and interests. Within the realm of human society and human governance, the population is divided into three general brain types: Sociopaths, Sheep, and Truth Seekers.
Sociopaths Within the human population there exist a small subset of individuals whose brains are essentially defective in one important regard: They do not experience emotion as the rest of the population does. They are driven only by the temporary happiness (or exhilaration) obtained through the gain of power or money. Once this temporary rush wears off, they exist only to seek their next fix. Although they do not experience normal emotions, they understand well how to emulate them and how to manipulate them to their advantage. Sociopaths tend to feel little remorse and do not have a conscience in the normal sense. They do not seek to simply live their lives, and as a result, have tremendous amounts of time to devote to their solitary purpose of obtaining more power and more money. They are naturally suited for climbing social power structures. The highest levels of banking, finance and politics contain far larger concentrations of sociopaths than the population at large.
Sheep The great bulk of the population exists neither to control others or to discover truth. They simply want to live their lives. They attempt to do this through the path of least resistance. The process of seeking truth involves tremendous amounts of mental work that gets in the way of living their lives. They prefer not to do the heavy lifting required to arrive at a set of beliefs, but rather, to adopt a predefined set. They find great comfort in seeking the approval of others as it reassures them the belief systems that they have adopted (or have been taught) are correct. Once reassured, they are relieved of the arduous mental work required to discover the truth. The Sheep tend to follow the voices of the sociopaths, who in turn seek to herd them; to shear them; and in some cases – to slaughter them.
2 comentarios:
This one is really good. Reminds me very much of what´s going on right now
I had almost forgotten about this post but you are totally right, we can clearly see the different types of brains in the current situation of some countries :P
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